Well, it looks something like acupuncture, red raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, swimming, bouncing in the pool, pleading with health care professionals, and a belly that sticks out like a prize winning watermelon!
Indeed, after 41 weeks baking away, we are still waiting on baby Will. The only appropriate adjective to describe me is "huge." I have officially lost my patience right along with the pregnancy glow, and I am quite ready to meet our little guy. Nana, Grandpa Steve, Brian, and Ian are also waiting anxiously here at home with me.
Assuming that none of my desperate attempts to encourage Will to come out on his own are successful, we will head to the hospital on Wednesday to be induced. We very much appreciate everyone's thoughts and good wishes over the past several weeks. We look forward to finally paying you back with baby pictures later this week!
In other news, Ian starts 4th grade on Monday. We met his teacher and classmates at open house earlier in the week and are quite excited for the new year. Ian's happy to have some of his closest friends in his class. Fourth grade is the first year of full time participation in the gifted program, so hopefully Ian will face a bit of a challenge.
That's it for now. You'll be hearing from us again on Wednesday...if not sooner!